King Kong Orignal Version

The year was 1976 and the remake of King Kong was sweaping the nation i couldn't see it in theaters because I was too young so I ordered a bootleg online it was a DVD but when I put it in it was actally the orignal King Kong but it was called "KING KONG UNCUT" COOL I thought because it was the never befor seen uncut version the DVD started and instead of the title screen it said "GO BACK NOW" then the movie started but it started on skull island and IT WAS IN COLOR we then saw King Kong who look like a real gorilla there was a guy who look like a real person next to him then the gorilla moved and I realzed this was a actual gorilla it ripped the guys head off and it looked REAL then I quickly changed to the normal stop motion Kong now with bloody read eyes he looked like this
I was scared now Kong stood still for about an hour then the movie started moving again now kong was at the top of the enpire state Building in the back you could see a plane crashig in the twin towers then the movie just ended
then in 2001 I learned that the movie predicted the 9/11 attack KING KONG IS REAL AND DID 9/11!